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1 year Member
Membership fee is $35
1 vote at AGM
"I 'Heart' Barns" bumper sticker
access to member only content on the website
discount or free access to events
receive email updates and newsletter
Discount rates for Barn Specialist list and advertising
Expires after 1 year
Lifetime Member
Membership fee is $350
1 vote at AGM
"I 'Heart' Barns" bumper sticker
access to member only content on the website
discount or free access to events
discount on Barn Specialist directory and other advertising
receive email updates and newsletter
NEVER Expires !
Student Member
Membership fee is $15
For students ONLY thanks
1 vote at AGM
"I 'Heart' Barns" bumper sticker
access to member only content on the website
discount or free access to events
receive email updates and newsletter
Expires after 1 year